Base64 encoding is a method for converting binary data into ASCII text. It’s designed to prevent communication errors when transferring binary information.

The IBM i operating system provides two DB2 services that allow you to BASE64 encode and decode.

In this post we will discuss how to use these DB2 services, and why CCSID is an important consideration. The examples given will utilize embedded SQL in an SQLRPGLE program. We will make use of a service program exported procedure named ‘print_this’ that will be discussed in future post about service programs. All code examples are freely available in my IBMiExamples project on github.

The IBM i DB2 services for base64 encoding and decoding

BASE64_ENCODE - returns the Base64 encoded version of a binary value.

BASE64_DECODE - returns a character string that has been Base64 decoded

Trying it out

First lets encode a string ‘MyText’ in base64 using a simple SQLRPGLE program. As mentioned above, we will make use of service program sub-procedure named ‘print_this’ that simply prints 2 strings passed as parameters to a spoolfile.

ctl-opt actgrp(*new) bnddir('BNDUTIL');

// Start of Main Procedure
// Declare some stand-alone fields
Dcl-S PlainText   VARCHAR(100) INZ('MyText');
Dcl-S EncodedText VARCHAR(100);

/copy ./qptypesrc/printer.rpgleinc

// Print headings
print_this('Field Name' : 'Value');
print_this('---------------------' : '-----------------------------------------------------------');

print_this('PlainText' : %Trim(PlainText));

// Encode the text into a VARCHAR field
Exec SQL Values QSYS2.BASE64_ENCODE(:PlainText) Into :EncodedText;
print_this('EncodedText' : %trim(EncodedText));


Spoolfile Output:

Field Name            Value                                                   
--------------------- --------------------------------------------------------
PlainText             MyText                                                  
EncodedText           1Kjjhaej                                                

Now, lets check that against a base64 encoder on the web: screen grab

The encoded value from our RPG program doesn’t match the encoded value from The reason they don’t match, is because of CCSID. CCSID, or Coded Character Set Identitifier, is what uniquely identifies the specific encoding of a code page.

If you read the documentation for base64_encode, it gives examples of base64 encodeing for both the system default EBCDIC code page and UTF-8 (code page 1208). On IBM i, the default character set is EBCDIC, with the specific code page varying by region.

On IBM i, ebcdic is the default character set.

The code page for your machine is stored in a system value called QCCSID. When your IBM i was delivered, it came with value 65535 - which isn’t a real code page. 65535 is something IBM i uses to specify all character data tagging support support is turned off. IBM recommends this value be changed. In North America, the standard ebcdic code page for IBM i is 37. For more information, read up on QCCSID here.

With that understanding, if you want to base64 encode / decode like the rest of the world, and you probably do, you need to make a CCSID adjustments to your code:

ctl-opt actgrp(*new) bnddir('BNDUTIL');

// Start of Main Procedure
// Declare some stand-alone fields
Dcl-S PlainText   VARCHAR(100) INZ('MyText') CCSID(1208);
Dcl-S EncodedText VARCHAR(100);

/copy ./qptypesrc/printer.rpgleinc

// Print headings
print_this('Field Name' : 'Value');
print_this('---------------------' : '-----------------------------------------------------------');

print_this('PlainText' : %Trim(PlainText));

// Encode the text into a VARCHAR field
Exec SQL Values QSYS2.BASE64_ENCODE(:PlainText) Into :EncodedText;
print_this('EncodedText' : %trim(EncodedText));


Spoolfile Output:

Field Name            Value                                                   
--------------------- --------------------------------------------------------
PlainText             MyText                                                  
EncodedText           TXlUZXh0                                                

In the code above, the only modification needed was to add the CCSID keyword to the definition for PlainText. I used the specific value of 1208, but could also have used *UTF8. IBM’s documentation suggests another method, which is to CAST the CCSID inline:

VALUES QSYS2.BASE64_ENCODE (CAST(EncodedText AS VARCHAR(10) CCSID 1208)) Into :EncodedText;

And Now to Decode

Lets add a few more lines to our example that decode the now encoded message.

ctl-opt actgrp(*new) bnddir('BNDUTIL');

// Start of Main Procedure
// Declare some stand-alone fields
Dcl-S PlainText   VARCHAR(100) INZ('MyText') CCSID(1208);
Dcl-S EncodedText VARCHAR(100);
Dcl-S DecodedTextVarBinary  sqltype(VARBINARY:100);
Dcl-S TranslatedTextVarChar VARCHAR(100) CCSID(1208);

/copy ./qptypesrc/printer.rpgleinc

// Print headings
print_this('Field Name' : 'Value');
print_this('---------------------' : '-----------------------------------------------------------');

print_this('PlainText' : %Trim(PlainText));

// Encode the text into a VARCHAR field
Exec SQL Values QSYS2.BASE64_ENCODE(:PlainText) Into :EncodedText;
print_this('EncodedText' : %trim(EncodedText));

// Decode the encoded text into an EBCDIC VarBinary field
Exec SQL Values QSYS2.BASE64_DECODE(:EncodedText) Into :DecodedTextVarBinary;
print_this('DecodedTextVarBinary' : %trim(DecodedTextVarBinary));

// Translate binary data in EBCDIC to UTF-8
TranslatedTextVarChar = DecodedTextVarBinary;
print_this('TranslatedTextVarChar' : %trim(TranslatedTextVarChar));


Spoolfile Output:

Field Name            Value                                                   
--------------------- --------------------------------------------------------
PlainText             MyText                                                  
EncodedText           TXlUZXh0                                                
DecodedTextVarBinary  (`èÁÌÈ                                                  
TranslatedTextVarChar MyText                                                  

In the code above, we first define a field of type sqltype(VARBINARY:100) to recieve the decoded text. We define another field of type VARCHAR(100) CCSID(1208) which allows us to translate the binary ebcdic data back to UTF-8 text. Unfortunately I haven’t found a way to do this in one step. If you know of a better way, please mention it in the comments below.

In summary, while care must be given when defining fields with the correct CCSID values and field types, the IBM i operating system does give us the features we need to encode and decode in base64 just like the rest of the world.

Code used in this blog post is available in my GITHUB, here.

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